Thomas Müller Experte für Waldbaden und Achtsamkeit im Wald

course leader for forest bathing

Thomas Müller

Thomas Müller is a great fan of forest bathing. Nature and especially the forest have always been important to him. But as a forest guide and nature and landscape guide in the Bavarian Forest National Park, he realised that something was still missing. That's how Thomas Müller came to forest bathing. In the meantime, he has attended various seminars on the subject, is, among other things, a course leader for forest bathing and mindfulness in the forest and even works as a trainer for the German Academy for Forest Bathing. At the Das Mühlbach - Thermal Spa, he makes it possible for wellness guests to experience what it means to dive into the forest, to throw off ballast and to experience trees, soil and co. with all the senses.