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Angebote zu besonderen Terminen
Hier finden Sie Angebote zu besonderen Terminen in den Wellness-Hotels & Resorts. Sie möchten über Weihnachten, in den Herbst- oder Sommerferien Wellnessurlaub machen? Sie suchen eine Idee für Wellness zum Muttertag, ein Angebot für eine romantische Auszeit zum Valentinstag oder möchten einen Brückentag für einen Kurzurlaub im Wellnesshotel nutzen? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig!
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Our Wellness & Fine dining-Tips for you
Relaxing in a blink of an eyeThe muscle relaxation practice ‘light’ transforms even the most stressful office day into a relaxing experience. Stand up straight and tense your fists, facial muscles, as well as your butt muscles at the same time. Count to ten and exhale.
Admittedly this looks funny, but it works: tongue out, roll up slightly at the sides and inhale the next ten breaths through your mouth. This way, more oxygen is absorbed and the brain cells are "refreshed".
With the 4-7-8 breathing technique, you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and finally exhale for 8 seconds. This breathing rhythm is considered a natural sedative for the nervous system and is supposed to alleviate panic attacks and anxiety. The technique is also said to have a blood pressure regulating effect and to help you fall asleep in no time.