Time for ...

Yoga on the meadow | Family and Wellness Hotel Allgäuer Berghof - Gunzesried-Ofterschwang - Allgäu

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Time for...

In the category "Time for..." you will find the right wellness offer - no matter whether you are travelling alone, enjoying time for two or spending a wellness vacation with the whole family. 

Take some time and find the wellness hotel that is exactly tailored to your wishes and needs. If you would like to travel with your whole clique of friends, you are looking for something different than a couple who primarily long for peace and quiet. Or would you like to take your dog on a wellness vacation? This is also no problem in some hotels.

Relax with a cup of tea by the pool - Wellness Hotels & Resorts

Our Me Time-Tips for you

Slow food

Fast food makes you gain weight. Not only the fatty dishes but also eating too fast is unhealthy. If you eat slower and chew properly, you effectively minimize the risk of being overweight and getting affected by the sicknesses that can be caused by that. The reason for that is that you realize you are full a lot quicker.

Muesli makes for a good mask

Not only are oats great in muesli, but they are extremely effective when you have sensitive skin as well. Mix 2 tbsp. of oat flakes, 1 tsp. of honey and 4 tbsp. of hot milk, allow it to cool down and leave the mixture on your face for about 20 minutes.

One line a day

Today was not your best day? Surely, there was something good about it. Whether it is the sunset or a stranger’s smile. If we write down three good things or feelings each day, we will fall asleep with a smile. So why not start a ‘One line a day‘-book?


Even more about Me Time

Wellness Glossary


Mindfulness is a well-known method of reducing stress. It is also known as MBSR.

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Aerobics is a dynamic fitness workout. This is usually done in a group and with music support.

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