Healthy sleep

Wellness begins with the quality of sleep

Our selection of offers on the topic

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Healthy sleep - wake up refreshed

Rested, full of energy and with new strength ...

This is how we feel after a restful night. Because "sleep is to a man what winding up is to a clock", as the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer puts it in a nutshell.

Relaxing sleep in a Wellness Hotel - Hotel Birke

However, more and more people have problems falling asleep

or finding restful sleep. The causes are social phenomena such as an accelerated working world, increasing burdens due to stress and a lack of work-life balance. Even on holiday, it is then often not possible to find the desired rest. That is why many Wellness-Hotels & Resorts place special emphasis on a healthy sleeping environment for their guests.

Romantic wellness time for two

At the Parkhotel am Soier See in Upper Bavaria, guests can have a sleep diagnosis carried out in their hotel room with the help of a small device and have their sleep profile evaluated. For this purpose, a sleep analyser records the depth of sleep and thus allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality of sleep and possible sleep disorders.

At home, for example, you can take a gentle evening stroll to

find peace and quiet after a hectic day. These and other relaxing evening rituals have a sleep-promoting effect. It also helps to keep a close eye on what eating habits have consequences for your night's rest. Too much alcohol, heavy, sour or spicy food can lead to a restless night. And last but not least, the choice of a suitable mattress and appropriate bedding is also important.

Sleeping well in the wellness hotel

That is why many wellness hotels offer a "pillow menu" so that guests can choose the pillow that is most comfortable for them. At the Jammertal Golf & Spa Resort in southern Münsterland, the electricity circuit in the room can be completely switched off for a healthy night's sleep.

Our Healthy sleep-Tips for you

Superhero for your hangover

After a good night out, the next morning can feel a bit rough. If you do not want to miss out on your cocktail or beer, you should chew on raw ginger before going to bed. The essential oils help breaking down the alcohol better.

More sleep for better food decisions

We tend to eat sweeter foods that are high in fat when tired, as the part of the brain that is responsible for making good food decisions is rather slow when we do not get enough sleep. So definitely make sure you get enough sleep to ensure healthier food habits.

Your new best friend melissa

Are you one to suffer from changes in the weather? Then we have got the solution for you: A cup of lukewarm melissa tea, two teaspoons of ‘spirit of melissa’ and honey work wonders with complaints due to the weather.


Even more about Healthy sleep

Wellness Glossary


Mindfulness is a well-known method of reducing stress. It is also known as MBSR.

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Acupuncture is a healing method of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fine needles are used.

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