Wellness & Fine dining

Green, red and yellow peppers - Rich in vitamins & healthy

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Wellness, Gourmet and Indulgence

Conscious and healthy nutrition means wellness for body and soul. A healthy diet has nothing to do with slimming mania or diet food, but rather with preventing diseases of civilisation such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems or diabetes. A change in diet and a healthy food awareness can also help to strengthen a positive attitude to life.

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When going grocery shopping you should always pay attention to buying bio vegetables and bio meat. Even though products from the farmer might not be always the cheapest solution, in the long run they will do good to your health and to our environment. Strolling through markets can already be a spa experience itself: The scent of fresh vegetables, cheese and fish while looking at all the colourful displays is such a joyful activity.

The advantages of a plant-based diet

Preparing your food the right way is also very important. Steaming the food for example protects the vitamins. As you can see: A healthy nutrition vitalizes body and soul!

Healthy nutrition in wellness hotels

In all of our wellness hotels, healthy food is a definite must. Doesn't matter what you order, you can be sure that it always suits the standards of the wellness vital kitchen. Many hotels even offer their guests advices on how to eat properly and offer many stimulating recipes.

Our Wellness & Fine dining-Tips for you

More sleep for better food decisions

We tend to eat sweeter foods that are high in fat when tired, as the part of the brain that is responsible for making good food decisions is rather slow when we do not get enough sleep. So definitely make sure you get enough sleep to ensure healthier food habits.

Bitter, please!

Vegetables such as chicory or endive are considered to be particularly healthy thanks to the bitter substances they contain. They have a positive influence on the digestion and function of the liver, bile and pancreas. In addition, they inhibit ravenous appetite due to their strong taste and can thus help you lose weight.

Love for basil

Basil is already many gourmets’ favorite herb. Whether put on pasta, as pesto or on Caprese salad, it is always delicious. Our tip: Basil seeds. Nutritious and perfect for on your bread or salad.


Even more about Wellness & Fine dining

Wellness Glossary


Bodyforming, bodyshaping or bodystyling are workouts which are particularly effective in improving the figure and targeting problematic areas. 

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Body Slimming

Body slimming is a cure which is carried out through different training and/or therapy approaches.

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