
Wellness & Beauty with the girls during holiday

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Wellness and beauty

The strive for self-optimization is almost as old as the world. Already in times when Cleopatra used to live - and even earlier - beauty and lifestyle were an important topic.
Especially important was Make up in the old Egypt. Cinnabar and ochre were applied on cheeks and the skin was artfully painted with henna. To perfect the look green eye shadow made of malachite and black eye pencils were used.

Beauty and hygiene go hand in hand since all times.

The old Egyptians and Romans knew about the connection between body hygiene and diseases. Europeans followed a kind of different approach: Starting from the 17th century the believed that water soaks the cells of the body and because of that diseases could more easily infect the human body. Due to this belief, people no longer washed themselves or took baths. The unpleasant smells were glossed over with perfumes and oils.

Through the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the emancipation of the women took place. Ever since, beauty treatments are an important topic. Women started to work and presented themselves more in public. They cared a lot about their outward appearance and spent a lot of money on beauty treatments. In this time, many of the still these days beauty businesses were founded, like for example Shiseido, Beiersdorf AG (Nivea, Labello), and L'Oréal. In 1915, Maybelline produced the first mascara and in 1932 the first nail polish entered the market.

All around beautiful in the Wellness Hotel - Schuele's Health Resort & Spa

Modern beauty treatments

These days, there is an incredible wide range of beauty treatments available. The offers start from classy facial treatments to anti ageing products to microdermabrasion and microneedling. With the help of those treatments good effects without surgeries are obtained.

Of course there were plenty of developments within the last decades. What was said to be innovative in the 80s, is these days already outraged. Also men discovered the beauty world for themselves and are these days fan of manicures and hair removal.

Recreation & beauty treatments for men on wellness holidays - Wellness Hotels & Resorts

Natural cosmetics

A beauty trend, which is very popular at the moment are natural cosmetics. Here, only natural and environmental friendly ingredients are used. More and more consumers even pay attention to the production of cosmetics and care about recyclable packages.

The expression beauty nowadays is not only about improving your outward experience anymore. It is more a lifestyle including nutrition and physical activities to achieve overall wellbeing.

Our Beauty-Tips for you


Stretching and sport belong together – yes or no? Contrary to popular believe, you cannot prevent injuries on your knees a or ankles. However: Stretching is good for your flexibility and helps relaxing your muscles. So, stretch it!

Eggs for beautiful skin

Protein is the secret weapon against wrinkles. The best: A protein mask is made in no time at all. Beat the egg white so stiffly that a knife cut remains visible, apply and wash off after 20 minutes. The firm baby popo skin on the face is finished. 

Rose flowers against swollen eyes

Partied too hard and slept too little? That can leave your eyes feeling super puffy. No worries though, as your super hero rose flowers will help you out: The essential oil and tannings will make the swelling go down. Place the fresh flower on your closed eyelids. If you do not have fresh flowers at hand, you can use cotton pads and rose water instead. By the way: the plant with the appropriate name Eyebright can also help. 


Even more about Beauty

Wellness Glossary


Aerobics is a dynamic fitness workout. This is usually done in a group and with music support.

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AHA alpha hydroxy acid

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) peel is a peeling agent for cell renewal of the skin.

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