Wellness dictionary

Little ABC for your spa-break questions ...

In their treatment discriptions, wellness hotels often use technical terms, which are hard to understand for potential guests. We have therefore collected and defined the most relevant terms in our small wellness ABC. A tip: Our wellness dictionary also supports word requests. You don't need to know the exact wording.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

takes its name from the Greek word ‘hyalos’ meaning ‘glass’, which signifies its transparent appearance. It is a natural sugar found in the skin giving it its fullness and elasticity. The skin is the body’s largest organ where around 50% of the hyaluronic acid is to be found.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid

support the structure in the skin’s layers. Collagen gives skin its firmness while hyaluronic acid attracts and holds water, providing it with moisture and nutrients. It also helps the skin resist free radicals. The younger the skin is, the higher the concentration of hyaluronic acid. Each gram of hyaluronic acid can hold six litres of water. However, during the ageing process, the concentration of hyaluronic acid decreases along with the skin’s ability to store moisture. The consequence is that the skin becomes drier and less able to regenerate itself. Anti ageing creams containing hyaluronic acid can help restore the skin’s moisture balance. Moisturising creams containing hyaluronic acid are available as eye gels, hand and body lotions and cleansing products with face masks and serums containing a high concentration.

Products containing hyaluronic acid

are widely used in cosmetic surgery to eliminate wrinkles, shape lips or to revitalise the skin. The effect lasts for approximately 6-12 months. These products are also known as organic implants because the body naturally produces hyaluronic acid itself. Hyaluronic acid is also used in the form of an injection to reduce arthritic pain. At present there is no scientific evidence proving the efficiency of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, these injections are not currently covered by the German National Health Insurance.

Related topics: AHA alpha hydroxy acid Anti Ageing Aromatic Sea Salt Treatment Collagen Micro Needling Microdermabrasion Evening primrose oil Grape seed oil

Wilfried Dreckmann - Wellnessexperte und Spa-Coach

Wilfried Dreckmann

Wilfried Dreckmann combines practical experience in the field of wellness and spa with academic know-how.  Since 2006 he is working internationally as a management consultant, trainer and coach for wellness providers. He is a lecturer at the iST Studieninstitut and associate professor at the iST University of applied sciences in Düsseldorf.
